Leyla Li

Full Stack JavaScript Software Developer
picture of Leyi Li


JavaScript Developer with a background in International Education and Development. Looking forward to using code to build a respectful and inclusive environment that is beneficial for everyone.


  • JavaScript
  • React
  • HTML5
  • Python
  • Vue.js
  • Typescript
  • Node.js
  • FastAPI
  • CSS3
  • PostgreSQL
  • Kibana
  • AWS(EventBridge, ECS/ECR, Route53, Cloudfront)
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku
  • Docker
  • Chinese


Please have a look at some of my work
image of she's coding project

She's Coding

This is a website that helps women in tech to grow
and learn together.

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image of case hawk project


This is a website that helps small law firms organize their clients and cases built with
React, JavaScript, Node.js, Prisma ORG, SCSS.

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Campground Explorer

An app that finds campsites near your chosen city built with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS.

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image of campgraound explorer project
image of project

Space themed typing-game

This is a game that helps developers to improve their typing speed and accuracy built with HTML and CSS.

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Work Experience

  • Hearsay Systems - Full-Stack Software Engineer

    - Owned front-end aspects of a critical project and led its successful rebuilding from a monolith codebase. Utilizing modern tech stacks such as React, FastAPI, and server-side rendering, I significantly enhanced the project's performance, scalability, maintainability and reduced the deployment time by around 68%.
    - Led frontend development on a cross-functional team to implement features that enhance customer productivity. Leveraged expertise in React, Redux, and Node.js to guide primarily backend team members.

  • Skilljar - Service and Support Engineer

    - Maintained and supported the integration service using Python, Django and Kibana, allowing the company to exceed SLA & performance objectives for production services.
    - Partnered with the Customer Success team to solve API, SSO, SSL configuration problems, provided front-end solutions and participated in technical conversations with customers, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.
    - Conducted interviews for potential candidates, trained & mentored all new recruits.

  • Divvy Digital - JavaScript Developer

    - Implemented a client to access a backend which displays content in a rich format with Node.js and React. This client offers capabilities such as selection, editing and deletion to lead to other parts of the app. Performance characteristics are taken into utmost consideration on low-end hardware. It increased productivity for customers by 50%.
    - Partnered with the Dev and Sales Team and used PHP to implement requirements that I gathered from the Sales Team to analyze real-time sales data. Integrated with the existing in a reliable way to deliver a feature that is performant. Used JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Google Map API, and Silverstripe in the front-end to display sales data getting back from Hubspot API and used MySQL in the back-end to analyze json data. With the tool, the company is able to analyze the sales data to see areas of improvements to increase the profits for the company.

  • Grace Hopper Celebration 2020 - Project Representative

    - Worked as a representative for She's Coding project during open source day.
    - Helped attandees to contribute into She's Coding project.

  • Code Fellows - Volunteer

    - Worked with a team of 11 Code Fellows alumni for a law firm to rebuild their web application.
    - Created a website that helps small law firms organize their clients and cases with React, JavaScript, Node.js, Prisma ORG, SCSS.

  • Denise Louie Education Center - Preschool Teacher

    - Conducted educational evaluated reports on student progress with their parents.
    - Improved classroom environment and enhanced students’ social-emotional skills.
    - Organized celebration for Chinese New Year with the students’ families.


  • Code Fellows

    Full-Stack JavaScript Web Development

  • University of Sussex

    Master's degreen in International Education and Development

  • Shenzhen University

    Bachelor's degree in Biology


Let's work together!

E-mail: lileyla62@gmail.com